Haladó hallás utáni szintfelmérő teszt 3

Welcome to our listening test, TASK 3. 
It is required to write your name and email address on this page, too.
Answer all questions.

You will hear various people talking. There are five extracts which are not related in any way except that everyone is talking about tourism.You can listen to the soundtrack twice. You can find the soundtrack on the top of the page.
You can listen to the soundtrack twice.

Task 1

For questions 1-5 look at the types of people listed below labelled A-H. As you listen, decide in what order you hear each person speak and complete the boxes 1-5 with the appropriate letter. Three people will not be used.

Task 2

For questions 6-10 look at the topics below labelled A-H. As you listen, put the topics in the order in which you hear them by completing the boxes 1-10 with the appropriate letter. Three topics will not be used.



A - travel agent

What if?



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