For pre-intermediate learners and everybody who loves this music.
One of the saddest songs I’ve ever heard! But full of useful vocabulary. Enjoy learning them.
Find the lyrics and vocab under the youtube window.
Every day she takes a morning bath she wets her hair
Wraps a towel around her as she’s heading for the bedroom chair It’s just another day Slipping into stockings, stepping into shoes Dipping in the pocket of her raincoat It’s just another day At the office where the papers grow she takes a break Drinks another coffee and she finds it hard to stay awake It’s just another day Do do do do do do, it’s just another day
Do do do do do do, it’s just another day So sad, so sad
Sometimes she feels so sad Alone in her apartment she’d dwell Till the man of her dreams comes to break the spell Ah, stay, don’t stand her up And he comes and he stays but he leaves the next day So sad Sometimes she feels so sad As she posts another letter to the sound of five
People gather ’round her and she finds it hard to stay alive It’s just another day Do do do do do do, it’s just another day
Do do do do do do, it’s just another day So sad, so sad
Sometimes she feels so sad Alone in her apartment she’d dwell Till the man of her dreams come to break the spell Ah, stay, don’t stand her up And he comes and he stays but he leaves the next day So sad Sometimes she feels so sad Every day she takes a morning bath she wets her hair
Wraps a towel around her as she’s heading for the bedroom chair It’s just another day Slipping into stockings, stepping into shoes Dipping in the pocket of her raincoat It’s just another day Do do do do do do, it’s just another day
Do do do do do do, it’s just another day |
take a bath wet one’s hair wrap a towel around head for slip into stockings step into shoes dip in the pocket take a break find hard to do sg stay awake apartment dwell the man of one’s dreams break the spell stand sy up gather round sy |
megfürdik benedvesíti a haját maga köré teker egy törülközőt vmi felé halad belebújik a harisnyába belelép a cipőbe belenyúl a zsebbe szünetet tart nehéznek talál vmit tenni ébren marad lakás lakik álmai férfija megtöri az átkot átver vkit vki köré gyűlik |
Some interesting grammar and vocab issues: |
What does it mean? : ‘posts another letter to the sound of five’ “The Sound Of Five” was a British radio Show in the 1960’s that dealt with people’s problems. People would write letters to the radio company with their problems and the “experts” would discuss them on air. |
Időhatározói mellékmondat: TILL / UNTIL = addig, amíg Till the man of her dreams comes to break the spell. = Amíg álmai férfija el nem jön, hogy megtörje az átkot. |
Időhatározói mellékmondat: AS = amint, ahogy As she posts another letter… . = Amint felad egy levelet … . |
Ha többet szeretne megtudni az időhatározói mellékmondatokról, szerezze be itt ‘Igeidők’ anyagunkat.